The society ran from November 1983 to May 1986.
A subscription to Zeus entitled you to a bi-monthly newsletter called "The Oracle of Zeus".
10 editions of the Oracle were published (Vol.1 No.1 - 6 and Vol.2 No.1 - 4).
Zeus simultaneously with it's subscription released public domain software
(Zeuslib. 001 to Zeuslib. 022).
In addition, Zeus released BIOS version 1.8Z with it's subscription.
Eric Bear was the editor. Paul O'Nolan and Tom Hodges were the publishers.
The following subscription information was available through Zeus:
Name |
Date |
Size |
Description |
zlib001.td0 |
1983-01-01 |
201K |
Zeuslib. 001 Public Domain Software
COMPARE.COM -- File comparison utility
WASH.COM -- File management utility
SWEEP.COM -- File managment utility
UNERASE.COM -- Unerases deleted file
INDEX.COM -- Directory utility
SHOW.COM -- Displays files a screenful at a time
WS.KEY -- WordStar key definition file
SQUEEZE.COM -- Data compression program
UMPIRE.COM -- Give your memory a checkup
FILTER.COM -- Strips unprintable characters from files
MENU.COM -- Menu program
CHESS.COM -- Plays, even displays a little board
BANNER.COM -- Prints banner headlines
DU.COM -- Track and sector level disk utility
IDXGEN.COM -- Generate an idex at the end of WordStar files
TRANSLAT.COM -- 8080 to Z80 non optimizing translator
CAT.COM -- Disk catalog program
LOOK.COM -- Memory search program
CRCK.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib002.td0 |
1984-01-01 |
274K |
Zeuslib. 002 Public Domain Software
HELP.COM -- Help utility
*.BAS -- Several MBASIC games
SM.COM -- Smartmodem program
PHOTO.COM -- Screen-to-file dump utility
OK.COM -- Setup program for Okidata printer
CURSOR.MAC -- Program to change cursor
NEWSWEEP.COM -- Newsweep version 1.9 in 8K file
DU-V86.COM -- Disk Utility version 8.6
SAP27.COM -- Directory sort & purge
DIR.COM -- File diference utility
SCAN.COM -- File display utility
TYPER.COM -- Typewritter program
PGLST.COM -- Converts single column into multi-column list
UN.COM -- File unprotector
RUBIK.CQB -- Rubik cube program
CRCK.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib003.td0 |
1984-03-01 |
257K |
Zeuslib. 003 Public Domain Software
AUTOWRAP.COM -- Switches on wrap at the end of the line
NOMASK.COM -- Disables the zapping of the high bit in CONOUT
CMP.COM -- File comparision utility
DF.COM -- Sorted directory program
IDXGEN.PQS -- Source for index generating program
INDEXZ.COM -- Index program
LINES.COM -- Get the number of lines in your document
PASSWORD.COM -- Allows you to make a program password protected
SCRAMBLE.COM -- Encript a file
RENAME.COM -- Accepts wildcards when renaming
LU.COM -- Library Utility used to combine files
XREF.BQS -- Generates cross reference listings
XCAT36.COM -- Cross reference utility for MAST.CAT
LISTT16.COM -- File printing program version 16
FCB.COM -- Displays the file control blocks
RULER.COM -- Displays ruler on 25th line of the screen
OKI92.COM -- Setup for Okidata 92 printer
ZBSET251.LBR -- Display text on 25th (status) line
ZBMDM727.LBR -- Modem 7 terminal program version 2.7
NSWP199.COM -- Newsweep version 1.99
CRCK.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib004.td0 |
1984-03-01 |
264K |
Zeuslib. 004 Public Domain Software
*.* -- Programming tools disk
(disassemblers, macro libraries, tracer, compiler, loader, etc)
CRCK.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib005.td0 |
1984-06-01 |
236K |
Zeuslib. 005 Public Domain Software
CAL.COM -- Calendar program
PHOTO1.COM -- Save Screen to disk file
QK20.LBR -- Qwikkey 2.0 key redefinition program
DELBR.COM -- Library files extractor
LSWEEP.COM -- Sweep for libraries
BARGRAPH.LBR -- Zorba graphics program
WASH2.COM -- Disk washer-upper version 3.2
UNERA12.COM -- Unerase program
ALLOC.COM -- Lists the allocation blocks on disk
DIRCHK.COM -- Lists the files on a disk
DUPUSR21.COM -- Make programs accessible in different USER areas
RITEMAN.COM -- Printer setup for the Inforunner Riteman
SD-78.COM -- Super Directory 7.8
FILEFIND.COM -- Checks all available user areas on all drives
FAST2.LBR -- Speeds up disk bound programs
BSORT.LBR -- Fast sort program
EAC.COM -- Extended Arithmetic Calculator
FILTER11.AQM -- Source code to FILTER
UNSPOOL.AQM -- print spooler source code
FMENU.COM -- File Menu program
LABEL.LBR -- Label printing programs
SYNONYM.LBR -- Synonym program
DRI-HLP.LBR -- Library of HELP files for Digital Research programs
FIND.COM -- Another HELP program
CPMADR.COM -- CP/M attributes and drive format information
PAUSE.COM -- For use in SUBMIT files, menu programs, etc.
DISKCOPY.COM -- Zorba track to track disk copy program
CRCK8.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib006.td0 |
1984-06-01 |
263K |
Zeuslib. 006 Public Domain Software
WS-INFO.LBR -- DOC files for patching WordStar
ENSOFT2.LBR -- Document conversion program
TUCHTYPE.LBR -- Touch-typing programs
GRADEBOK.LBR -- A gradebook program
FILT2.LBR -- Filters BASIC program files created with WordStar
SPELL20.* -- Spelling checker version 2.0
SPINDOWN.LBR -- How to get the Zorba drives to spindown quicker |
zlib007.td0 |
1984-06-01 |
177K |
Zeuslib. 007 Public Domain Software
*.* -- This disk contains a grab-bag of games
(requires either MBASIC or CBASIC)
CRCK8.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib008.td0 |
1984-06-01 |
298K |
Zeuslib. 008 Public Domain Software
ZBMDM740.COM -- Modem 7.40 terminal program
PHONDATA.LBR -- Phone number filing system
MSGFILES.LBR -- Files commonly downloaded from BBS's
LRBDSK22.LBR -- Creates logical drives on a single disk
RBBS35.LBR -- Bulletin board program
SECURSYS.DOC -- Advice for sysops on system security
SCRNWRAP.LBR -- Screen wrap program for BIOS 1.7A & 1.8B
PILOT.LBR -- Pilot Game with source
TTY.ASM -- TTY program |
zlib009.td0 |
1984-06-01 |
258K |
Zeuslib. 009 Public Domain Software
MODEM9XX.* -- Modem 9.00 terminal program
RUNOFF.LBR -- Text formating program
ZCPR22.LBR -- ZCPR is a replacement for CP/M's CCP
CRC.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib010.td0 |
1984-06-01 |
244K |
Zeuslib. 010 Public Domain Software
GRAF.DQC -- MX-80 bit-plot graphics program
FX80-PIX.LBR -- FX80 pictures
ROFF40.LBR -- Text formating program version 4.0
@.COM -- Online expression evaluator for CP/M's CCP
SWAP.LBR -- Swaps CP/M's CONSOLE and LIST outputs
CRC.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib011.td0 |
1984-09-01 |
263K |
Zeuslib. 011 Public Domain Software
VUKEY.COM -- Shows function keys on 25th line
DU2V17.COM -- Disk Utility version 1.7
BLIST.COM -- Proofing source code for BEGIN END blocks
MORSECOD.COM -- Morse code program
OKI92ITAL.COM -- Okidata 92 printer setup program
M7ZB-3.ASM -- Modem 7 overlay for the Zorba
ZSIDFIX.DOC -- Patch for Digital Research's ZSID debugger
MEX.COM -- Modem terminal program
CRCK8.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib012.td0 |
1984-09-01 |
271K |
Zeuslib. 012 Public Domain Software
ADVNTURE.LBR -- Adventure game
BULLCOW.COM -- Bullcow game
HANGMAN.LBR -- Hangman game
PILOT.LBR -- Pilot game
PLANE.COM -- Poor man's flight simulator
SQUARE2.COM -- Zorba video demonstration program
ZWORM2.COM -- Green worm screen wiggle
ZGAMMON.BAS -- Back Gammon game
FROG.BAS -- dichotomous key demonstration program
CRC.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib013.td0 |
1984-09-01 |
278K |
Zeuslib. 013 Public Domain Software
MCAT41.LBR -- Popular catalog system
MEMTEST.COM -- Rasmussen memory test version 1.8
MTYPE.COM -- Type utility that accepts wildcards
GRAPHICS.BAS -- Zorba Graphics tutorial (MBASIC)
INFO.COM -- Maps where things are in your CP/M system
MONITOR.LBR -- Serial line data analyzer
PHOTO2.LBR -- Saves Screen image to disk
DUMPX.LBR -- Improved CP/M dump utility
ASCIDUMP.LBR -- Dump a file to the screen
DIABLO.AQM -- WordStar patch for Diablo printer
DRAW.PQS -- Draw program - Turbo Pascal source
SCR-MU.LBR -- Programmer's screen management utility
GEMINI15.LBR -- CBASIC program for setting printer attributes
DATER.LBR -- Calendar program written in C
SAP38.LBR -- Latest Sort & Pack directory program
FIND40.LBR -- Find text string
WHATSNEW.LBR -- What's new on disk since last change
HELP.AQM -- Source code for HELP.COM
UNDEL.LBR -- Undelete program
SETDRU.LBR -- A BIOS filter for hard disk users
ZCOMPARE.LBR -- File comparision program
DISKMON.COM -- Disk monitor utility
COUNT.LBR -- Program to determine length of a file
LISTT16A.AQM -- Source code for creating lists
MBASUTIL.LBR -- 4 function calculator
ODDBALL.LBR -- Bizarre game, supposedly Italian ping pong!
INVANALY.BAS -- Investment analysis program
INSTMNT.LBR -- Finds lowest commission rate
BNCHMARK.BAS -- Benchmark & Timmings
DIRECDIF.LBR -- Program to compare directory tracks
COMPARE2.COM -- 2K file compare program
ESSAY.RQS -- A true story by Richard Stillman
CRC.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib014.td0 |
1985-02-01 |
296K |
Zeuslib. 014 Public Domain Software
APPEND.LBR -- Append adds one file to another
DBL.LBR -- Prints pages side by side on an ordinary page
VDO.COM -- Good emulation of Wordstar's non-document mode
SPEED.PGS -- Squeezed source code for SPEED (drive speed checking)
DUMP2.LBR -- Improved CP/M dump program
SAP39.LBR -- Latest version of directory sort and pack
GOTHIC.LBR -- Printing block letters in gothic font
SAVEPROM.LBR -- Saves contents of the Zorba boot prom
SONARWAR.LQR -- Squeezed library of game
OTHELLO.COM -- Compiled version of CBASIC Othello game
ZGRAF15.LBR -- ZGRAF business graphic program
SC2.HQP -- Squeezed Help file for SuperCalc 2
FUNNIES.LBR -- A barrel of fun
ZM.LBR -- There's always room for another assembler
BLIST.LBR -- Turbo Pascal list utility
QUOTES.PRN -- Pithy savings of pithy people
PIPPATCH.AQM -- File with patches to PIP
SAVER.AQM -- Recover text from memory after Wordstar crash
FRUN.COM -- Odd game
CRC.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib015.td0 |
1985-02-01 |
233K |
Zeuslib. 015 Public Domain Software
DIRFILES3.LBR -- Utility to associate a comment with each file name
NULU10.COM -- Assembly language version of LU & LSWEEP
ADDRESS.LBR -- Computerized name, address and phone number book
FTNOTE12.LBR -- Footnoting program for use with WordStar
EDIT.LBR -- Line Editor
LUX42.LBR -- Utility for browsing on-line in libraries (LBR files)
DIRR.COM -- Another directory program
FOOTBALL.COM -- A game of American football
LFILTER.LBR -- Utility to facilitate file interchange
MCIMAIL2.LBR -- A library of MCI mail stuff
XLIST.COM -- Cross-reference utility for Turbo Pascal programs
SIFT.LBR -- Finds a string in a text file
ZORKHINT.LBR -- Some programs to assist you with the game ZORK
PASSWORD.AQM -- squeezed source for PASSWORD program on Zeuslib.003
HANG.BAS -- what could this be? You'll need MBASIC to find out.
UNSPOOL.HLP -- Help file for UNSPOOL program
CRC.COM -- Cyclic redundancy check program |
zlib016.td0 |
1985-04-01 |
279K |
Zeuslib. 016 Public Domain Software
SMC.COM -- The Small C complier
FORTH.COM -- A true Fig-Forth
XLISP.COM -- This is LISP from SIG/M |
zlib017.td0 |
1985-04-01 |
193K |
Zeuslib. 017 Public Domain Software
TOUR.COM -- Outline processor
DIRFILES.COM -- Ver. 3.1 creates a 'data' file listing
EDIT.COM -- Small, fast text editor
EX15.COM -- Replacement for and
FILT6.COM -- Filters text files and removes control characters
WSDOCON.COM -- Converts any text file into Wordstar document file
KERMIT39.COM -- Telecommunications program
N30.COM -- Accepts any decimal, hex, or binary number or
any ASCII character and displays the value in all four modes
WHATCHAR.COM -- Accepts keyboard entry and
displays decimal and hexadecimal equivalent
NULU12.COM -- Latest version of NU L(ibrary) U(tility)
QK21.COM -- Qwikkey version 2.1
SUPERZAP.COM -- Full screen interactive disk update utility
MEMAP.COM -- System map utility
TPA.COM -- Display TPA size
WINDEX.COM -- Creates an index for any Wordstar document file
WS-USER.AQM -- Assembly patch for changing default drives
GRXR.LBR -- Turns a text file into a 'runnable' .com file |
zlib018.td0 |
1985-08-01 |
227K |
Zeuslib. 018 Public Domain Software
MEX (A Modem Executive for CP/M-80)
(Version 1.12 and 1.14 -- instructions & help files)
(Zorba - specific overlay files & runnable version)
Command files
Documentation, Help files
MEX command/key/library files
MEX overlay/patch files |
zlib019.td0 |
1985-01-01 |
198K |
Zeuslib. 019 Public Domain Software
Wordprocessing & Text Utilities Disk:
Biblioms (Bibliography Management system)
Sift 2.2 -- Text search/sort (Zorba specific)
Listfilz -- Annotated disk directories
Linesort -- Alphabetical sort line-by-line
Screenwright -- Screenplay formatter
Wordstar patches -- how to get started |
zlib020.td0 |
1985-08-01 |
233K |
Zeuslib. 020 Public Domain Software
Oracle of Zeus -- Index (Volume 1)
Supercalc, Calcstar, Infostar templates
Curve-fitting and graphing programs
MBASIC programmer's utility
Zorba utilities and oddities
M7ZB-4 -- latest Zorba modem overlay
RECIPE.COM -- file your kitchen favorites |
zlib021.td0 |
1985-08-01 |
264K |
Zeuslib. 021 Public Domain Software
Entertaining and Educational Games
(With MBASIC, CBASIC, and Pascal source included) |
zlib022.td0 |
1985-08-01 |
247K |
Zeuslib. 022 Public Domain Software
Forth-83 (Version 2.1.1) -- The Laxen/Perry Model
F83.COM -- the compiled system
The source files -- all .BLK files
Documentation/instruction files
TUTORIAL.COM -- simple help for begginers |